Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder of carbohydrate metabolism due to relative or absolute insulin deficiency. Most cases of spontaneous diabetes occur in middle-aged dogs and cats. In one study, male cats were more commonly affected than females; no breed predilection is seen in cats.

Did you know…the main clinical signs of diabetes mellitus are:

  • Excessive eating
  • Excessive drinking
  • Excessive urination
  • Weight loss

For even more information about diabetes mellitus in cats:

VeterinaryPartner.com provides this article discussing everything from
Type I and Type II Diabetes Mellitus,
What Happens Once a Diagnosis Is Reached,
Home Glucose Testing,
When to Return to the Hospital/What to Watch for,
Insulin Shock,
and Feeding a Diabetic pet.

This video and slides are provided as a resource to owners of diabetic cats who wish to learn how to conduct home tests that determine blood glucose (blood sugar) readings for their cat.

Source: The Merck Veterinary Manual